Neco | Big Appeal | Nottingham Hospitals Charity

The Big Appeal for Nottingham Children’s Hospital

Help raise £1.5million to support young patients and their families at Nottingham Children’s Hospital


No-one wants their baby or child to be in hospital.

But for every single one of these young patients, doctors and nurses are working around the clock to diagnose and treat them.

Whether it’s a routine procedure or an emergency situation – it’s an incredibly worrying and stressful time for families.

To a child, hospitals can seem like a scary place, away from their parents, school, and normal life.

And though Nottingham Children’s Hospital is one of the best paediatric centres in the country, they need your help right now.

Every week, over 1,000 critically ill children are seen at Nottingham Children’s Hospital. And each year, over 1,000 premature babies are cared for on the hospital’s Neonatal Unit.

Our Big Appeal is raising money to support those babies and children – whether they’re only a few days old or in their teenage years.

Your support can make huge changes at Nottingham Children’s Hospital, to help our very youngest patients while they are here being cared for by doctors and nurses day in, day out.

Neonatal Redesign | Big Appeal | Nottingham Hospitals Charity

Help premature and seriously ill babies get the best possible care after a traumatic start in life

Every year, over 1,000 premature and seriously ill babies are treated at Nottingham's Neonatal Units. And with a new unit currently being built at Queen’s Medical Centre, that number is set to double.

We urgently need your help to create a welcoming and caring environment for families, equipped with extra specialist medical equipment to ensure their poorly babies receive the best possible care

While the NHS funds the essentials of the new unit, we need your help to provide the added extras that can help bring comfort and stability to families at a time when their world has been turned upside down. And with the new unit set to open in December, we urgently need your support to do this.

Your donation today can help us provide:

  • A dedicated ultrasound machine to allow babies to stay on the unit instead of having to be moved across the hospital for important scans.
  • A welcoming entrance and woodland themed artwork to help young siblings feel less scared when visiting.
  • Colourful flooring to mark out each cot space, helping each family feel the space next to their baby is theirs.
  • Homely additions to the unit’s overnight rooms, for parents of the most critically ill babies – including furniture, artwork, and televisions, to give worried parents a calming space away from the ward.
  • Extra additions to the family room, such as comfortable seating to help families get a moment of respite, and toys and games to keep young siblings entertained.

Your support can help thousands of babies and families being cared for each year. We urgently need your help to provide these extra facilities that will make a real difference during the days, weeks or months they will spend on the unit, before it opens in December.

Please donate to the Big Appeal today, to help thousands of poorly babies and their families on Nottingham’s new Neonatal Unit.

Please help support thousands of poorly babies and their families today

There are lots of ways to support the Big Appeal for Nottingham Children’s Hospital.

We are so close to our target, but we need your help to get there.

Please note, funds raised for this appeal may be used for other, similar projects for the benefit of patients if our target is exceeded or not met, or if the appeal purposes cannot be fulfilled.

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