Keith Girling2

Introducing Keith Girling, our new Trustee at Nottingham Hospitals Charity

Posted on: 29 Jul 2021

We are so pleased to welcome Keith Girling, Medical Director at Nottingham University Hospitals Trust, as our newest Trustee!

Keith is a consultant in critical care medicine and also is part of the executive team at NUH. Having been at NUH for 30 years, he is well-placed to both support the Charity in making an impact, while being accessible for clinical teams to approach him to discuss how the Charity can help.

We asked Keith how he would like to embark on his new role as Trustee.

Congratulations on becoming a Trustee of Nottingham Hospitals Charity! How does it feel?

Great! The Charity is a key partner with the Trust. Our patients and staff benefit hugely from the generous charitable funds that are made available and I am very excited about being part of the Trustee team to ensure funds are used to enhance the care of patients at NUH.

What will the role involve for you?

I will be promoting the work of the Charity among clinical teams and providing a Trustee link for those teams back into the Charity. I’ll also be an active member of the Trustees, and hope to inform the Board about pressing issues that the Charity may be able to support.

Although I have seen the many benefits the Charity has brought to NUH over the years I have not been familiar with the working of the Trustees and so my first priority will be to listen and learn.

What particular areas of funding are you most passionate about?

The vision for NUH is to improve population health outcomes, patient and staff experience, and there are ways that these can be enhanced beyond what the NHS may be able to provide. We have incredibly innovative and creative teams and I am really keen to see how charitable funds can be used to supplement support their initiatives and ideas.

What are you most looking forward to as part of your new role as Trustee?

I am really looking forward to being part of the highly motivated and committed Charity team who give vast amounts of energy to both raising funds and ensuring excellent stewardship of these funds. I consider it a privilege to serve our donors and supporters for the benefit of patients and look forward to getting to know our charity colleagues.

Thanks Keith. Finally, please tell us a bit about what you get up to, away from NUH.

About four years ago my eldest son challenged me to take part in the Great North Run. I just about made it across the finish line on that occasion, but have since discovered a real pleasure in running. I planned to make 2020 the year of my first marathon but of course Covid intervened. However this year, training and injury permitting, I am expecting to run my first marathon in London in October!


Keith joins our existing board of Trustees who support the Charity in enhancing patient care at Nottingham University Hospitals Trust. To find out more about the other individuals on our board, visit our ‘Meet the Trustees’ page.