Fundraising Posties | Long Covid Appeal

Local Royal Mail posties hold fancy dress day in aid of Long Covid research

Posted on: 28 Apr 2021

A team of Royal Mail postmen and women held a fancy dress day to raise money for local Long Covid research, after one of their colleagues has spent the last year suffering from the condition. 

The team of posties from the Carlton delivery office in Nottingham has so far raised over £1,200 for our Long Covid Research Appeal by donning their fancy dress costumes during their rounds on Saturday 24th April. 

They decided to raise money for the appeal after their colleague, Ian Pointer, was hospitalised with COVID-19 in March 2020. More than a year on from his hospitalisation, Ian is now one of an estimated 10,000 people in Nottinghamshire suffering from Long Covid.

With one in five COVID-19 patients still suffering from symptoms after five or more weeks, more research into the condition is vital, and studies are being led by a team here in Nottingham. Ian and his colleagues are backing our Long Covid Research Appeal, which aims to raise £50,000 to support this research.

Like many Long Covid patients, Ian still suffers from symptoms including breathlessness, fatigue, lethargy and mood swings. Studies in Nottingham are hoping to find the best ways of treating some of these symptoms.

Where Wally Postman | Long Covid Appeal

Ian explained: “When I was discharged from hospital I thought I was over the worst of it and I could get back to normal, but far from it. The loss of physical fitness is one thing, but the mental health issues, mood swings, the inability to let small things go, the lack of interest in things – these are things that are new to me.”

Talking about the Long Covid research taking place in Nottingham, he said: “I think the more information we get, the better we will understand and be able to help Covid sufferers who may experience different symptoms and needs. Currently there’s a broad-brush approach when dealing with Covid suffers, because we still don't truly understand it yet.”

Thank you to all the posties who took part in the fancy dress day, and to everyone who donated. Your support will make a real difference to patients like Ian who are still suffering from Long Covid. It’s not too late to support the team’s fundraising efforts on their Justgiving page here.