Wellbeing Room at City Hospital | Nottingham Hospitals Charity

Rest areas for NHS workers funded thanks to charity appeal

Posted on: 30 Jun 2020

Improved rest areas for staff working at Nottingham’s hospitals are to be funded thanks to generous donations to our special NHS Heroes appeal.

We launched our ‘Help your Hospital Heroes’ appeal in March 2020, to support NHS staff in Nottingham during the pandemic. Thanks to our generous supporters, the appeal has raised £275,000 and has already funded two Wellbeing Centres and four sleep pods at City Hospital and Queen’s Medical Centre.

Over the coming weeks it will fund further rest areas, including outdoor areas, to allow NHS workers at Nottingham’s hospitals to get some time and space away from their busy work environment during this challenging period.

Part of the funding will include a refurbishment of the staff area and staff kitchen at Linden Lodge, the neurological rehabilitation unit at the City Hospital, which treats adults with a range of neurological conditions, including cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis and brain injuries.

Helen Collett, Ward Sister at Linden Lodge, said: “To have a refurbished staff room will mean having a calm and relaxing area that staff will be able to take their breaks in. The current kitchen units have been here for nearly 30 years, so having new units will make a huge difference, and the new fridge will allow staff to store their meals safely.

“It is lovely to be appreciated and thought about in these difficult and challenging times, and these actions demonstrate that the Trust and the Charity have the welfare of our staff at heart.”

Other areas to be improved will be the Doctors Mess and Community Midwifery Unit at the Queen’s Medical Centre. Both areas will benefit from new sofas, chairs and tables, which will be compliant with strict infection-control requirements, and will give staff a comfortable place to take a break.

Funding will also help bring to life an unused outdoor area near the Trent Cardiac Centre at City Hospital, to give both staff and patients a relaxing outdoor space in which to take a break from the busy hospital environment and get some fresh air.

You can continue to help support staff across Nottingham's NHS hospitals, by donating today. Please click the button below for more information.