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Taking to the skies: Our brave skydivers take the leap!

Posted on: 12 Jun 2024

On Saturday 8th June, 14 thrill-seeking fundraisers took to the sky at Langar Airfield in Nottingham for our Charity Skydive event. The sky was the limit as participants from all walks of life took on the 14,000-foot jump in support of Nottingham’s NHS hospitals.

After a cloudy start, the sun soon made an appearance and our first set of fundraisers took to the sky to experience a thrill like no other. Each individual fundraiser was there for different reasons, to support areas of the hospital which have looked after them or a loved one, or simply to give back and say thank you.

Once their feet had landed on the ground, the adrenaline buzzed through the fields with many participants telling their loved ones that they wanted to do it again.

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Grace Micallef, Fundraising Assistant and first-time skydiver, told us: “It was an absolutely amazing experience and something I definitely would recommend! To be able to tick something off the bucket list and raise money for a good cause is a no-brainer. I want to do it again!”

Families, friends, and supporters all gathered on the ground to cheer on the skydivers as they sailed past the clouds into the landing area. There was a real sense of community, with everyone knowing their loved ones were making a difference.

Charity Stow, Relationship and Events Manager, has been running the Charity Skydive for over three years and decided to join her fellow fundraisers to take part in one of the last jumps of the day.

She said: “It was amazing to experience the skydive with our fundraisers this year and understand what they are all taking on for Nottingham Hospitals Charity! There are so many inspirational reasons that people take part in this event; whether that is to remember a loved one, take on a challenge with friends, or say thank you to staff in a particular area of the hospital for the care they have received. I’m delighted to be able to offer our Charity skydive as a way for people to give back and conquer their own fears! It was a fantastic day and thank you so much to everyone who took part and helped to raise important funds for our NHS hospitals in Nottingham.”

Our brave fundraisers have helped raise over £8,000 for Nottingham hospitals through their fundraising efforts and have shown courage and generosity throughout the event. We’re so proud of every one of them who took part.

You can take on a skydive at any time throughout the year; please visit the link below for more information.

Watch as Grace braves the jump

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